Friday, February 20, 2009

Kombo Breaker - Episode 16: John Davison Joins Us!

It's Friday and here we are again. We've been able to lock down two big name guests in as many weeks, and we hope that's a facet of the program that everyone's beginning to enjoy and believe in. I kid you not, Kombo Breaker isn't going anywhere. Next week's guest? Well, just a huge as this weeks. Stay tuned.

This week, we were lucky enough to have John Davison from (formerly of the likes of 1up and EGM) come on and tell us what's for. We talked gaming journalism as a whole, the transition from print to online media and the current state of speaking to an audience of parents. We even found time to talk about our weeks, Killzone 2, Dan's Valentine's extravaganza at White Castle (I shit you not), and our thoughts on the DSi.

Make sure you pop into the forums to read our shownotes for this episode. And doubly make sure you check out even as a non-parent, this site manages to deliver some of the most unbiased gaming content on the net. I promise, no Dateline NBC scare tactics within. It's straight legit, 2 legit to quit.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Kombo Breaker - Episode 15: Jeff Cannata and the NYCC

How goes it, tricks!? Another episode of Kombo Breaker on another Friday and you'd swear this thing is legitimate. It is, by the way, so don't go closing your media player when the boss comes by. This here is intelligent discussion!

What a show! What a week! If you folks haven't heard of Totally Rad Show (TRS for short) then it's time you get learned. Jeff Cannata, of the series, was kind enough to stop by and blow our minds with a high level of gaming discussion and concept. We talked Killzone 2, FEAR 2, love for the PS3 and a little discussion about the Wii's effect on the industry. Joey told everyone about a dog with herpes and then we talked about the New York Comic Con. The episode is packed with upcoming gaming content, so if you're wondering about the stuff ahead (The Conduit, Prototype, Battlefield 1943, Killzone 2, Street Fighter 4, Fear 2, MadWorld, etc.), then I suggest you tune in.

We're trying to make guests a weekly-ish deal on the show, so stay with us and enjoy. Hit the forums for some show note action. You'll find points of discussion, trailers, links and maybe a few convos about the show.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Kombo Breaker - Episode 14: Bang Camaro Joins Us!

The show goes on. The regular cast is with us today, talking up everything from Resident Evil 5 to the NY Comic Con. We cut things slightly short to make room for our special interview with one of Rock Band's most prolific bands: Bang Camaro.

Bang Camaro's undeniable brand of 80's tinged metal has been a mainstay for the franchise and garnered them a strong following. On the heels of their latest album, Bang Camaro II, Bang Camaro's guitarists Bryn Bennett and Alex Necochea sat down and talked with us to let us know how the ride's been so far and where it's taking them in the future.

We're also going to be giving away some Bang Camaro goods. Want to know the details? You're going to have to check the show notes to find out! Details will be given in there, but don't miss this chance!

This is one episode of Kombo Breaker you don't want to miss.
